Tuesday = Fizziks club @ lunch, we'll do some Halloween stuph...
MONDAY/TUESDAY - log in, clicker up, whiteboard up, pen up, and get ready to make some deeper physics connections (see Phriday). After the clicker stuph you'll have the chance to use some technology to better measure "g".
Suppose you are sitting on your front porch, drinking lemonade, waiting for trick-or-treaters to show up, and you see a car drive by through your picket fence. How would you know if the car was speeding up or not? Could you calculate the velocity of the car if you knew the distance and time it took to go past each opening in your picket fence? Could you compare each velocity to each other? That's what we're going to do today.
Open Logger Pro, go to FILE-->OPEN-->Physics with Vernier-->05 Picket Fence.
Some equipment notes - be VERY CAREFUL with the equipment, scratches are bad (like on DVDs), and NEVER LET IT LAND ON SOMETHING HARD - figure out how to catch it gently...as always, please carefully dismantle your apparatus and return all equipment to the correct places.
Good luck, and make sure to check CANVAS for what to screenshot and turn in :-)
WEDNESDAY - Late start, short but sweet day
THURSDAY - Boo! A good day for physics :-)
FRIDAY - Let's see where we are, click your way to glory on the MIDTERM!!!