Physics is about studying how the universe works, and since you're in it, it's really about understanding you and the world you live in. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting! Seek to improve your learning by polishing each portfolio objective, each online text assignment, and then by noticing physics in your life!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!!!!

Image result for happy new year 2016 scienceWelcome back to Fizziks!

I hope you had a wonderphul break, and perhaps even remembered to think about Fizziks a little bit!  (The homework was to notice fizziks in the real world ;-)

Anyhoo, here we are ready to start a new year, and while we wait for Canvas to get up and running, we'll be handling things from the Physics Links Page, so please start there every day!

(We're starting with learning how to make computers help us figure out fizziks stuph..)