Physics is about studying how the universe works, and since you're in it, it's really about understanding you and the world you live in. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting! Seek to improve your learning by polishing each portfolio objective, each online text assignment, and then by noticing physics in your life!

HW & Book

To become an expert in any endeavor, one must practice deliberately and thoughtfully.  One must honestly and objectively assess one's progress, and develop plans to address any weaknesses or areas that need more growth.

In Life (and in Physics), you will have many opportunities to practice outside of the classroom - we have an online textbook, graphing and data collection software for you to use at home, many many many references to online simulations and other physics learning materials.  YOU will need to find ways to check your progress against the learning objectives (we will provide you with some guidelines for doing such), and if you are not progressing well enough, or just wish to go deeper or prepare even more, you will need to find ways to learn physics beyond what we do in the classroom!

That all being said, please see below for some links to software that you might find useful, try some of the other pages on this blog (the right side of the home page and the AP tab are GREAT!), and also check your emails and CANVAS for other links to more useful tidbits.

Welcome to Physics - where we provide the opportunity to learn, and you decide what to do with it!

The super-secret installation password is available in class.

Here are links to download the software from Vernier Software & Technology. After the file has downloaded to your computer, double-click the file, and enter the password to install the software.

Logger Pro 3.9 with sample movies (Windows)

Logger Pro 3.9 with sample movies (Mac OS X)

Detailed Step-by-Step Guide
Do you need more detailed instructions on how to download and install our software? Please read our detailed download instructions online:

For Windows XP/Vista
If you're using Windows XP or Vista, you will need a compatible version of Logger Pro.


Also, if you have an iPhone or iPad and three bucks to burn you can pick up the VIDEO PHYSICS app from Vernier - the same company that makes Logger Pro (and a lot of the cool equipment we use).

Click here for the Video Physics info site
Click here for the app store to download Video Physics


The homework is available on the internet -


The book (and virtual labs) are already installed on the school computer.
Need to register?  Try THESE STEPS

Other useful tech links:

