Physics is about studying how the universe works, and since you're in it, it's really about understanding you and the world you live in. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting! Seek to improve your learning by polishing each portfolio objective, each online text assignment, and then by noticing physics in your life!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Testing Palooza is upon us!

So a bit of AIMS this week (mostly the bio students), with blocks on Thu and Fri.  Next week is our only "normal" week during APRIL, and then we get into the crazy AZMERIT testing, of M/T and R/F 75 minute blocks with super short WED schedules.  Check your emails soon for the actual schedule.

In the meantime, we'll keep exploring this sound and waves stuph - Work on Canvas #11 (and anything else you need to get done)