Physics is about studying how the universe works, and since you're in it, it's really about understanding you and the world you live in. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting! Seek to improve your learning by polishing each portfolio objective, each online text assignment, and then by noticing physics in your life!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Motion matching (Thursday) a.k.a. the chicken'll see

So you can make a little alien match graphs, but can YOU actually do it?  Let's find out!

Log in, open Logger Pro, open the PHYSICS WITH VERNIER folder, and file 01a Graph....

Now set up the equipment.  
  • You need a motion detector (green) and a digital cable (black with white ends) and a clamp.
  • You also need a green LabPro, an A-B USB cable, and a 6V power transformer.
  • Plug the digital cable into the motion detector, slide the switch to the person, and hook the other end into DIG/SONIC 1 of the Green Lab Pro
  • Clamp the Motion detector above your lab station facing the middle of the room

  • Plug the Green Lab Pro into the wall with a 6Volt transformer - beeps are good!
  • Connect the LabPro to the computer with an A-B USB cable
Click Collect on the computer (the green arrow) - see if it works!!!  (No need to save data, just click erase each time)

Play around a bit until you figure out what the physics is going on on the screen...

Now try matching the graph b  (go to FILE-OPEN)
Can everyone in your group do it?
How well can you each do it?

So you think you're awesome?  See if you can match graph c, and then try the VELOCITY graphs of d,e, f, g!!!  (or you can do more position matches by clicking on GRAPH MATCH - look for the button or under the ANALYZE menu)

Helpful tidbit for the random GRAPH MATCHING

  • First, manually scale the y-axis from 0-3m (double click the graph, axes, ...)
  • Try this - click on preferences and make the lines thicker and the text bigger
  • How crazy of a graph can you match?  (Take pictures!!!)