Physics is about studying how the universe works, and since you're in it, it's really about understanding you and the world you live in. Hopefully you'll find this very interesting! Seek to improve your learning by polishing each portfolio objective, each online text assignment, and then by noticing physics in your life!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Logging in to the Online Kinetic Textbook

Watch this for help registering for the kinetic text.   Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.
Open and log in to the Kinetic_Textbook installed on your computer

  1. Go to the Finder (command-tab)
  2. Open the Applications folder (command-shift-a)
  3. Open the Kinetic_Books_Folder (press k then command-o)
  4. Open Principles_of_Physics (press p then command-o)
  5. enter your email and password

Start Doing Chapter_00 in the Online_Kinetic_Textbook!

Can't remember your password?  RESET IT and check your gmail!
Getting a message about REGISTERING?  See the post below